Sonntag, 20. Januar 2013

ACW Infanterie und Artillerie / ACW infantry and artillery

Unionsartillerie (baccus)

Union Infanterie (baccus)

Unionsinfanterie, Modelle mit Bajonett aus der Reihe des deutsch-französischen Krieges von baccus / Union-infantry, figures with bayonet from the baccus franco-prussian-war-range (baccus FPF 10 ??)

Konförderierten-Artillerie, linkes Geschütz beim Positionieren / Confederate-artillery, left gun is moved by the crew (baccus ACW 15, EQU 15 Sappers and pioneers, good job from baccus - I hope they will expand their equipment and scenics-range, also the ancient civilians are brillant; perhaps someday they will resculp the campsite and waggons... )
meine Lieblingsinfanterie: Infanteristen mit Bajonett, ebenfalls baccus FPW-Reihe / my favourite infantery-miniatures from the baccus FPW-range (baccus FPF 12 Republican infantery - tunic formed; very nice designed figures from Peter Berry)

CSA-Artillerie (baccus)

CSA-Artillerie (baccus)

Unionsartillerie beim Vorrücken / Union artillery on the way to the front (ADLER miniatures: ACWE 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, best figures from a great designer)

Unionsartillerie von oben / Union-artillery bird-view (ADLER miniatures)

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